
Thoughts for Thursday: Naptime Confessions

Happy Thursday Everyone!!  I'm back with some more naptime confessions this week.  Enjoy!

- Thank you  for all the advice on discipline. I've downloaded some books, started some reading  and I'm trying some new techniques. I'm hoping we're making progress.

- I spent all day yesterday thinking it was Thursday and almost cried when I realized it was only Wednesday.

- I have some exciting news that I hope to share with you all next week. Sorry to be cryptic (worse blogger thing ever) but I just want to make sure a few more things happen before I share.  (and it's NOT a third baby ; )

- Is there a 7 month sleep regression?? Because Matthew used to sleep 7-4:30 and lately he's been up 2-3 times a night. It's killing us.  We're trying to sleep train but Matthew's room is right across the hall from Miller's and he's woken him up a few times with crying and waking a toddler is a lot worse than an infant so we're not sure what to do!

- Thanks to everyone's suggestions I've been eating these delicious Luna protein bars. They are the perfect afternoon snack and totally help my sweet tooth!
 - I started watching that new show Unreal on Lifetime and so far I really like it. Yes it's over the top drama but I love having something besides Bachelorette to look forward too now that my regular shows are over.

- Looking for affordable polos for little boys? Old Navy is my go to! I prefer pique over jersey polos for Miller and ON usually has them for $7 if not cheaper a piece.

- I've  started drinking Diet Coke again daily. I kicked the habit for awhile but now it's back and I know it's a bad one but they're just sooo good.

- Is it sad that Thursday are now my favorite day of the  week because that's when the cleaning lady comes and then my house is clean for exactly 3 hours before it gets destroyed again by little hands...

- Already counting down until 6pm when I can have my wine and then Kyle's off tomorrow so this is basically a Friday...

What are your confessions this week??

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I dont think it's bad at all that Thursdays are your favorite. For whatever reason! Here's hoping the hours between now and wine are short and easy! :)

  2. I have felt as though Cam is gowing through a regression too! He woke up at 3am a few nights ago and would not go back to sleep, so I finally caved and fed him at 4am. I was so worried this was going to be the norm and I was going to have a NB again... But, he's been sleeping until 6 - 6:30 again thank goodness. The diet coke addiction/struggle is real... I tell myself I can have one if I drink at least 2 liters of water during the day first. Love those ON polos!!

  3. Oh sleep regressions...so miserable! Does Miller have a white noise machine? We use doma and they've helped keep the other asleep when one wakes (even when they shared a room). Thursdays are my favorite days too but if we had a cleaner that day I can only imagine them becoming better!! Cannot wait to hear your news! I drank a massive diet coke Monday afternoon against the advice of my nurses and it was amazing! But I figure I don't have many vices in life so its ok! Have a great weekend!

  4. thank you for hosting the link up!

  5. I too hope all goes fast and smooth for you. Happy Thursday beautiful!!


  6. We are highly considering a cleaning lady! If we do, that will more than likely become the best of the week :) Winks and Eyerolls

  7. Hey, I ALWAYS look forward to my wine! ;) And you're so right about the Old Navy polos. I went to our local one yesterday and found some on clearance for $.97! I couldn't believe it! I swear I got about 15 things for Walker for about $60. (And of course a few workout tops for myself...) Happy Thursday/Friday to you!

  8. I've never tried those Luna bars but they look so good!

  9. I want a cleaning lady so badly! It must be heaven.
    I did think a 3rd baby for a second....ha.

  10. My cleaning lady was coming on Thursdays too and it was the best day. I cancelled the service for a while though to save a little money. I miss them so much. I know Diet Coke is so bad according to lots of internet articles but I really have no desire to give it up. IT IS SO GOOD!

  11. Old navy does have such good deals on baby clothes!! I love shopping there! & woo hoo for a Thursday/Friday!!

  12. I love Luna Bars too! I haven't tried a flavor I didn't like.
    The Lady Lawyer

  13. I jumped right back into daily Diet Rockstars after I had my last baby a year ago. Need to STOP! I'm not a coffee gal, so it's hard. I need to try to switch to green tea.

  14. Tuesdays are my fave because that is the day my house gets cleaned.....Don't tell my husband, but I try to get home early on Tuesdays so that I can lay on our bed and pretend our house looks like this every day of the week....ugh.

  15. I was just thinking that I need to order Greyson more polos. I am going to get them all at ON for that price!!

  16. Could he be teething? Sophie started cutting teeth really early. I think she was right around Matthew's age too. And it's what caused her to wake up a lot, when she finally cut them her sleep schedule went right back to normal.

    Either way, hope you find a solution soon!

  17. I bet he is teething! Emma was sleeping through the night regularly and then all of a sudden was a total nightmare. A fever and a few fussy days later, a tooth popped through. I'm back on diet coke big time too. It's so bad...but so good!

  18. I love cleaning lady day!! Also, don't you just love Unreal--- I watch the Bachelorette so differently now that I know behind the scenes these kind of things happen-- albeit exaggerated

  19. I'm so with you on cleaning lady day! My house feels perfect for about 10 seconds before life happens :) Thanks for the little boy shirt recommendation too, I sure will check those out! Julie @ Everyday Happiness

  20. the luna bars sound amazing! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  21. Those protein bars really are the best!!


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