
Get the Look: Meghan Markle Winter Chic

I decided to come up with a new fun series for 2020 on the blog called Get the Look.  I'm hoping to find a look that I love and give you the real (or as close to real) options for the outfit and then a more affordable option.

I may not be the biggest fan girl of Meghan Markle right now with all the drama going on in the UK but I can't deny when a girl has classic chic style.  I also can't deny when someone pulls off looking chic in the dead of winter.  Trust me ladies it's not the easiest to do.

Here are the photos for my inspiration:

Lots of news outlets were reporting on what brands she was wearing and some of the exact styles were sold out but most of the items were easy to find or I was able to find a very similar look alike.

Then here is the look for less. This was so much fun to do and easier than I thought it would be!

So you can dress just like Meghan Markle for $2567 or you can save yourself $2228 and get this look for less! 
Which way do you prefer?  It could be fun to mix and match between the two 

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  1. I love the tote.

  2. I love all of your picks, and your look for less is almost identical!

    xx, Elise

  3. You already know that I LOVE THIS POST! WHY does the Row sweater have to be so expensive?! I love all of the look a like pieces you found!!!!

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