
Thoughts for Thursday: Summer 2018

Hi Friends! How has everyone's summer been going?  Our summer has been jam packed.  I had so many good intentions of posting more this summer but I've just been busy with the boys and trying to soak up every last minute before Miller heads to kindergarten this fall (cue ALL the tears!).

Our patio was finally completed two weeks ago!! Yay!  I am planning on bringing you a full detailed post on it, if it ever stops raining around here.  So far we have loved spending time out there and it's made us use our backyard so much more than we used to!

Since the patio is complete I hosted a dinner party (with the help of my generous girlfriends) for two of my girlfriends last week. We lucked out with perfect weather and hired a private chef to cook for us- which was so fun! I highly recommend this if you really want to enjoy yourself.  I didn't take any pictures of the food but it was delicious! 

Back in April when I was signing the boys up for camps I thought it would be fun to send them on opposite weeks so I could have alone time with each. In theory it was a good idea but now I realize I should have sent them the same week so I could have some free time haha... oh well! Miller has really enjoyed his Miller/Mommy time before school starts.  

I took Matthew to the aquarium a few weeks ago and he loved it! I'm hoping to sneak in one more trip with Miller before school starts.  

We couldn't get enough of the sharks!

Otherwise we're been spending our time at the pool and the park!  This year at the pool has been so fun because we're out of the baby pool and they can both swim independently. It's a little more nerve wracking but a lot more fun.  

I feel like I haven't shopped as much as usual this summer with the boys keeping me busy but I've still managed to sneak in some fun affordable purchases.  

We have one more beach vacation in about 3 weeks that we're so looking forward too before school starts.  
I'm hoping once we get back into our schedule of the school year I'll be posting more here but in the mean time I plan to soak up all the time with my boys before school starts up again.  

Use #thoughtsforthursdays on Instagram and tag us @homeofmalones , @eastcoastnat@mrsordavis  Link up starts at 7 am EST.
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The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I can't believe there are only a few more weeks left until school starts, can you?! Is Kindergarten half day or full day in your district? That will be next year for us and I am alreadyyy tearing up, haha. Sounds like you guys have been having a fun summer!

    1. I can't believe it! Full day! I know Miller will love it but I also know the transition of going 5 days a week to school all day will be rough, so I'm preparing myself for that.

  2. Wow! That patio is gorgeous. Love the fireplace. Lucky you!

    1. Thank you! We have really been enjoying it this summer!

  3. Your dinner party looks amazing! I've always said I want to hire a private chef so I can actually sit down and enjoy myself. I'm sure it was a great time! Sierra Beautifully Candid

    1. Thank you!! The private chef was such a good idea, and honestly not as expensive as I thought it would be! Highly suggest it so you can actually enjoy yourself ;)

  4. Looks like you have had a wonderful summer. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a great weekend.

  5. Oh my goodness, can I please eat dinner on your patio!? Gorgeous!!!

  6. Your patio is fantastic! The boys are getting so big!

    1. Thank you and yes so big :( I can't believe how fast they're growing up!! I know you know the feeling!

  7. I love the book bag... but the link doesn't work?! What brand is it?


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