
Thoughts for Thursday: Naptime Confessions

Happy Thursday Everyone!  Remember you can write about whatever is on your mind.  Just grab the button and link up below

Thoughts for Thursday

- First off, what do you think of my new blog look?!  While I loved my old pink and navy layout I was just ready for a change and wanted something completely different.  I love how simple and clean it feels now.  I just love all the white space on the page.   I'm still working on tweaking a few elements here and there but would love your feedback.  How is the font?  To small, to light?  Can you read everything clearly?  Any other advice?  Thanks in advance!

- I have been going to bed way too late lately. I'm talking midnight- 1am style.  I don't know why but it seems lately I'm most productive after 9pm.  This does not bode well for my child's need to wake up at 6am everyday.

- I'm soooooooo excited for Christmas this year.  I cannot wait to start decorating and listening to Christmas music.  Today at Target they were putting out Christmas stuff and it took all myself self control not to buy something.  I'm trying to hold off until after Thanksgiving but I'm not sure I'll make it that far.

- MY BABY TURNS ONE NEXT WEEK. CUE ALL THE TEARS AND ALL THE FEELINGS.  I just cannot even wrap my head around it to be honest with you.

- Speaking of my baby, Matthew started taking steps last week and now wants to try "walking" all the time.  I'm not ready for this and just want to push him over, haha I mean I haven't yet but I'm not sure I can handle two mobile kids.

- Adele Hello. On Repeat. It's Amazing.


- I have been awful about my working out and eating right lately. Our fall schedule is so busy and I've been making excuses about not being able to fit in time at the gym and I've got to stop.  I've also been treating myself to way to many Halloween treats.
- So this summer Miller pretty much gave up his pacifier habit and then after our move to the new house he became obsessed with it again.  I'm struggling to take it away from him and I'm kicking myself for not doing it earlier.  Today is the first day that he had to leave it in his room and use it for sleeping only. Wish me luck!!! It might be a long day.

- I'm trying to use my crockpot this year.  I will be honest and say I've only used it once in the 6 years I've owned.  I know, Crazy.  Does anyone have a good site for crockpot recipes?  Any favorite recipes I must try?

- I can't believe Halloween is this weekend! We have some fun parties to go to and I can't wait to see what Miller thinks.  We've had a little bit of a costume change but I'm excited regardless. I promise to share pictures and overgram this weekend so follow along @eastcoastnat on instagram if you don't already.

Grab the button below and link up to Annie and Natalie  on your Thoughts for Thursday post.  
Use #thoughtsforthursdays on Instagram and tag us @homeofmalones and @eastcoastnat.
Link up starts at 7 am EST. 

Follow us on Bloglovin' too:

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I love your new blog look! And I am also very excited for Christmas season! Target already has their xmas decorations out! :) Adele...yes! And I use our crockpot like once a week lol! Sometimes I just cook chicken breasts and broccoli or some type of veggie. I just add a small amount of water and some chicken stock. I'll add it to a cheese pasta or rice side and it's like a caserol! I've been meaning to post some crockpot recipes... I need to get on that!

  2. Omgosh! Love he new look! Love simple and white!

    I'm holding off until right after Thanksgiving too. It's hard to diet and exercise in the Fall/Winter! I suck at that!!

    Happy Thursday!

    1. Is it just me? I can't see the link up.

    2. No, the link is set for two days from now currently. You aren't missing it :)!

  3. new design looks AWESOME! I used 17th ave too and it was just what I wanted. I was so tired of my sugary sweet pink and gold! ;)

  4. I'm loving the Adele song too! Totally been on repeat all week since I heard it on Monday!
    The link up is set for 2 days from now, just an FYI!

  5. We are still on the paci struggle bus, ugh! I LOVE the new look, it's so fresh! I had to hide the Halloween candy from myself because it was OOC. Diet starts Monday ;)

  6. I'm SO with you on the Adele song. I think I've had it on repeat for the past three days straight. LOVE!

  7. Definitely a new look on the blog! Love it, although I kind of struggle reading with the grey font, but I think people struggle with mine too.

    Yay for Matthew walking, but good luck for trying to keep up with them :) I struggle with just one mobile climbing toddler. I started watching the adele video this morning but Sophie decided she has had enough and turned it off.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  8. LOVING Adele's new song.

    This is a pretty delicious crock pot recipe: http://www.familyfreshmeals.com/2013/10/best-crockpot-beef-stew.html

    Also, Skinnytaste (I love her recipes), has a whole section devoted to crock pots. Easy and healthy!

  9. I have the easiest pulled chicken tacos for the crockpot. Seriously. Easiest.

    - 4 chicken breast.
    - 1 packet of taco seasoning.
    - 1 jar of salsa (basically you want to completely cover the chicken).
    Cook on low for 6-8 hours.

    Done The chicken will literally shred apart super easy. It's a taco Tuesday favorite in our house :)

  10. I am totally loving the new layout!! Very chic! ;) I have rarely used the crockpot. I just feel everything I've ever tasted from it is less than thrilling. I would love to find some recipes that are delicious. I mean you can't beat the ease of a crockpot. Keep us posted with any must try recipes you come across!

  11. I can't believe he's going to be a year old! These kids grow way too fast. The paci is the hardest to break, it takes time. I used the excuse that our friend's baby needed some because she didn't have any and he fell for it. He broke the habit right away, I was shocked!

  12. Oooh I love the new layout!! SO crisp & clean!! There must be something in the air (across the US!?) because I've been going to bed super late like that too! & I start paying for it right about 3 o'clock each day! Funny we got a crock pot for our wedding a couple years ago & I haven't used it much either! I'm trying to use it more & actually have some crock pot recipes that I've been trying & LOVE! I'll e-mail them to you!!

  13. I have been going to bed so late too and it's a really hard habit to break! Love the new look!

  14. I love your blog's new look! I'm all about clean and minimal. Only thing I can think of is to pull in a pale color for something...either your headings at the top or the post name. I don't know...just a suggestion. I love the quote! That is SO me these days. I hope you and your family have a fun Halloween!

  15. I'm just getting around to catching up on my blog reading. I love your new blog design. Black and white is always a favorite of mine as I love the clean look too! I'm actually kind of jealous of you staying up until midnight getting things done. Thats honestly what I need to be doing to knock out my ever growing to-do list while the kids are sleeping, but I know how much I would regret it right now with a 3am wake up call every night!! Love your other posts this week too with some new house updates!! I like the first color the best I think, but they are both so similar! Adele is the woman. So in love with her new song!


Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your comments make my day. If you have a question feel free to email me at eastcoastnat@gmail.com

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