I mentioned back in October before I had Matthew there were some baby products that I was planning to use again and some new products I mentioned. You can find those posts here and here. Since it's been 4.5 months I decided to follow up and let you all know what we have been using and how it's been going.

Baby Jogger City Select Double- Love, love love this stroller! It is by no means small or lightweight but I've found it the easiest one to use in crowded and small places. This stroller lives in my car and I take it everywhere. The doctor's office, the mall, the post office, the library etc. Miller is still so small that I prefer to have in a stroller rather than trying to hold his hand and carry the car seat so this has been perfect for us.
Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper pail- Love this one! Never thought I would have a love for something that holds crap, literally, but I do. We have a diaper genie in Miller's room and in my opinion it does a horrible job of keeping in the smell. The munchkin diaper pail on the hand does a great job. I like that it "spins and seals" after every diaper you put in while sprinkling a little baking soda in to help the smell. Highly recommend this over the diaper genie.
Dr. Brown's bottles- These are still my favorite bottles. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned these at least 100x on this blog but I just have to say if you're on the search for the perfect bottle these are worth the money and the all the small parts to clean.
Wubbanub pacifier- Miller never took one of these pacifier's but Matthew loves it. The nice part is that he's getting to the point where he likes having something to hold on to or play with and the wubb is becoming his little lovey too. We have the puppy and the elephant.
Baby 411- Still loving and using this book! Like a said in my post a few weeks ago- much better for answers than Dr Google
Fisher Price Infant bathtub- I had mentioned I wanted to get the Puj tub but we never got around to it and I'm so glad we didn't. I started putting this tub in the bath with Miller so that he and Matthew can take a bath at the same time and it's been great for me. Not only does it cut our bath/bedtime routine in half but Miller loves "helping" me wash his brother.
Graco Pack n Play with changing table and newborn napper- We set this up in our family room and it has been a lifesaver. There is no way I can leave Miller unattended to take care of diaper or outfits changes so this stays well stocked with everything I could need from upstairs for Matthew. The newborn napper part is great too because it gives me another place to set Matthew down that is far enough away from the dog or an angry toddler. I've also started changing Miller's diapers up here again which has been helping with some of our diaper changing fights/problems.
Fisher Price Cradle and Swing- This big huge clunky swing is still a favorite in our house! We actually have two of them. One in the family room and one in our bedroom upstairs (my SIL lent us one). Matthew loves it and takes most of his naps in it during the day. We tried the Mamaroo but it just didn't work for us. We do still have it and keep it in the basement playroom when I'm down there with both boys.
Boppy Pillow- I never really used this for nursing but it has come in handy so much over the past month. I keep the boppy in Matthew's room and move it back and forth between his and Miller's room so he has somewhere to lay. Now that he's getting close to sitting up and wants to be part of the action he loves being propped up in the boppy while I'm getting Miller dressed or putting Miller down for a nap or just doing chores upstairs in their bedrooms.
Pottery Barn Kids Canvas Leather Tote- I was on the hunt for a new diaper bag in December and picked this one up when it was on major sale. Well I also failed to read the fine print and I couldn't return it :( At first I was pretty upset but after using it for a little while I've come to love it. First of all it's huge and really holds all the stuff I need for both boys. Especially if we're going to be out for the whole day. The only downside is that it doesn't have a crossbody option which would be really nice to have at times.
BOB Revolution Dualie- Love, love, love! I love this stroller just about as much as I love the City select. This stroller is huge and I don't think it would work for running errands at all but it's perfect for walks around the neighborhood and going to the park. I haven't tried to run with both boys yet but so far just walking with it is a major workout. Miller also loves that he and Matthew get to sit next to each other and he can check on Matthew during our walks.
So that is my updated list! I've found the answer to making my life easier with two under two has been to be prepared and to have a safe place to put the infant on every floor/room of your house. Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any good suggestions for me that I might be missing.
Now it's your turn!
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Such a good list to come back to when I need it one day! :)
ReplyDeleteI am a Dr. Brown lover too! I buy them for all of my girlfriends (whether they registered for them or not!)
ReplyDeleteThis list is exactly what a soon-to-be mom like me needs. I want to know what real moms use and love. We got a set of Dr. Brown bottles at a recent shower and I'm pretty excited about them. I'll pick up the Baby 411 book asap so I'll stay off the internet with questions. Interesting about the diaper pail, I may need to do some switching on my registry.
ReplyDeleteGirl, you got this down!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the bag for now too :)
ReplyDeleteLove hearing what has worked for you with two little ones! Rowan loves his wubbanub! We don't have the regular boppy (Ive hated every single breastfeeding pillow I've tried) but I do wish we had it for tummy time and propping him up!
ReplyDeleteMy girls are only 18 months apart and some of these items were my favorite! I love the double BOB. I still use it, daily (in fact, it's in my pic in the link=up). And the Dr Brown's bottles were the only ones I could get any of my 4 kids to drink from. They weren't big bottle fans to begin with! ;-) Hope you are enjoying these moments...they pass so quickly!! XOXO
ReplyDeleteI used to use the Boppy for the same thing, to prop them up!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I've heard from many of my 2nd time mommy girlfriends that you need lots of different places to lay baby number 2...do you find that to be true?