
Thoughts for Thursday: Life Lately

Happy Thursday Y'all! Sorry I've been MIA all week but this two kids thing is kicking my butt. The sleep deprivation and lack of free time are catching up with me and everyone in house would prefer clean laundry over a blog post!  Thank you again to everyone who links up!! You know the drill- grab the button and link up below!

Thoughts for Thursday

-We only have two ornaments on our Christmas tree this year. One to represent each one of the boys. I attempted to decorate and when Miller saw it he just said "ball, ball, ball" and proceeded to take all the "ball" ornaments off the tree and throw them. I'd rather have no ornaments that have to say no to him 100 times a day.

- We had professional family photos taken over the weekend and they turned out so well. Getting a 17 month old to cooperate was tough but the photographer was so patient and good with Miller. Here's a little sneak peek:

- I'm on the hunt for a Christmas party dress for Kyle's boss' annual holiday party and these are my front runners below. I tried them both on at Nordstrom but can't decide which one I want! I'm leaning toward the sleeves since I'm pale and out of shape.

- Does anyone have a good resource for faux garland?  I feel all I've found is really fake looking stuff. I'm looking for some we can use  for years to come so I'm willing to spend a little more on it.

- My diet coke addiction is coming back with a vengeance.  I used to be a 2-3 cans a day drinker and then I kicked my habit except for few here and there and now I'm craving them all the time!  I've been buying the little cans so I can get my fix without having too much.

- My ice craving is completely gone. It's so crazy how I have zero desire to chew ice when just a few weeks ago I was eating it non stop and couldn't get enough.

- For some reason I did not lose my sweets/sugar craving. My butt and thighs are not happy about that.

-Instead of Christmas music I've been listening to think album non-stop:
It's finally a grown up less cheesy Taylor Swift

Now it's your turn!
Grab the button and link up to Annie and Natalie  on your Thoughts for Thursday post.
Use #thoughtsforthursdays on Instagram and tag us @homeofmalones and @eastcoastnat.
Link up starts at 7am EST.
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Home of Malones and East Coast Chic 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Your pictures look like they turned out great! Also both are gorgeous and would look great on you :)

  2. I still haven't listened to T.S.'s new album. Gotta get on that! I was eyeing those Eliza J dresses too! Love the second one! Beautiful pictures of your family!!!

  3. Love the pictures, so precious! I can totally understand about leaving the ornaments off the tree!

  4. I LOVE the laced sleeved dress. I love the pictures.. you have the cutest little family!

  5. gorgeous photos! i love that first dress!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  6. I cant wait to see more of your professional photos - the ones you shared are stunning! Love the lace dress for the holiday party!!

  7. I'd cut off an arm for that lace dress - SOOOO CUTE! And I'm totally obsessed with TSwift's album too. Course I love her ... in an embarrassing teenager way ... :)

  8. I love the lace dress. I gave up coke zero October 1 and La Croix sparking water has been a life saver.

  9. I love your red top in your family photos!
    Also, both of those dresses are adorable! We're looking forward to seeing you all at Stew's! :)

  10. I love the sneak look at your Xmas pics! I love how pretty the tree looks in the back.
    And I'd vote for the lace dress....love the classic look

  11. I love that first dress!!!
    And so good seeing you Saturday! You looks great...not too tired ;)

  12. I love Taylor Swift's new album - I agree, less cheesy and more mature. It is funny how your body just goes back to old habits and loses the ones you gained during pregnancy. I wish my sweet fetish would go away too, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have that pre-prego! I'm 7 mos postpartum with #3 and still working hard at getting my body back. Thank God this is the last time I'll be doing it!
    California To Carolina
    The Gym Bunny

  13. Love the ornaments and wow, your tree is soooooo pretty! I love the black lace dress, super pretty and something you can wear a lot.

  14. I totally bought that album too......I have definitely had it on repeat as well! I like both dresses but the second one is so fun and I love the bold pop of color with the skirt! Can't wait to see more pictures so pretty!!!

  15. I definitely vote the black lace dress- it's perfect for the holidays!!

  16. I developed the worst sweets habit when I was pregnant with Greyson and am still trying to kick it. The worst! The pictures are gorgeous and you look AMAZING! I am putting a box with the letters in the mail to you this week!!!

  17. I like the lace dress as well. You could always just decorate the top of the tree. Surprisingly we haven't had any issues with Hunter bothering the tree the last two years. My cat however, keeps trying to jump on it so I'm more worried about him knocking it over!

  18. Your pictures are stunning!! I hope you'll share more. I really like the tree with just lights in the background. We have a ton of soft plush ornaments for the bottom of the tree - although my kids act like they are toys and pull them off as often as they like to play (here's hoping they never actually pull the tree over). I LOVE both of those dresses - they are such different looks it would be hard to choose!

  19. Loved the ornament story haha. Your pictures are so beautiful! I vote all-black but both dresses make it pretty hard to choose for sure!

  20. I love that dress with the sleeves! It's very elegant!

  21. Love the family pictures sneak peak!! And I probably should have left our tree ornament-less this year, too... the dog will NOT leave the thing alone!

  22. Your little one is adorable! And yes, newborns are hard to balance with laundry and blog posts :)

  23. I've had my eye on that first dress (with sleeves). It's so simple yet elegant- and a good price too! Love your pictures with your boys. I found some lighted garland (phillips brand) at Target that I used outside. Once I got it fluffed, it didn't look too bad. I don't know if I'd be ok with it if it was inside, but for outside, it works.

  24. Personally I loved the first dress when I tried it on - great fit, beautiful and timeless. However you have great arms so don't be afraid to show them off! The benefit to Miller's Christmas tree habit is that you'll have less to pack away after Christmas is over! We didn't even do a tree Ginny's first year since we were heading to my parents' house. I've heard good things about Frontgate garlands and wreaths. Maybe at this point wait and see what goes on sale after Christmas? I love the teaser family photos you've posted so far and can't wait to see the rest. You seriously look amazing and I can't believe you only just had a baby!! Oh and I'm right there with you with the Diet Coke. I've actually had two or three this pregnancy (my dr said ok) and they tasted amazing but I have no doubt I'll want an IV of Diet Coke in the hospital!!

  25. Looooove the first dress!! Gorgeous! And I love your two special ornaments :)


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