
39 Weeks- Ready or Not!

How far along? 39 weeks**  
A few people have asked me about repeat c-sections and the dates you deliver. Most repeat c-sections are done when you are 39 weeks.  My original due date was November 4th but then they changed it to November 11 and then they talked about changing it back to  November 4th because the baby kept measuring over a week big on all sonograms which would put my c-section at this week in October.  I was seeing a Maternal & Fetal Specialist for all my sonograms and he decided that since Miller always measured really big on his sonograms but was in reality a normal size baby at birth at 40 weeks 4 days (7lbs 13oz at birth but measuring 9lbs on a 40 week sonogram) they were going to keep my c-section date the first week of November. So technically I'm 38 weeks but measuring a 39 week pregnancy and since they're taking me early already they didn't want to take the baby too early.   It's also much easier for me to just say my due date is November 4 rather than  going back and forth and explaining.
I know that probably sounds confusing to many of you but I just wanted to explain.

Baby Size: According to the what to expect app the baby is 19-22 in, 7lbs and the size of a pineapple

Total weight gain/loss: 35lbs- I've been holding steady at 35lbs for the past 2 weeks so I think that's my final weight tally unless I suddenly swell up in the next week. I was hoping to stay around 30 but I'm totally ok with this and hope it's as easy to lose the second time as it was the first (fingers crossed)

Maternity clothes? Yes! There are some non-maternity clothes that I can miraculously pull off with this huge belly but even some of my maternity shirts are getting too small.

Sleep: Ohh sleep, I'm not even sure I remember what that is anymore. Between being in the too big to roll over and getting up every 2 hours to pee stage and having a toddler that hates sleep I'm lucky if I get 5-6 hours total.


Miss Anything?  Alcohol! I am just dying for a gigantic bottle glass of red wine
Movement: Yes-this little guy moves non-stop!! 

Food cravings:  My ice craving has greatly subsided since I've been taking the iron pills for about 8 weeks now. I still enjoy chewing it but I don't have to have it all the time.   Right now I would just say I'm in the "oh shit I only have one week to use pregnancy as an excuse to be a fatty so I'm eating EVERYTHING" cravings.   My sweet tooth is out of control and I'm actually hoping that starts to subside after I have this little guy. 

Food aversions: Nope

Braxton Hicks, Sore lower back, Running out of energy quickly, Getting up to pee every 2 hours at night, Heartburn, Ice chewing, Huge belly, insomnia, sore hips, hard time rolling over,

Gender: Boy!

Happy or Moody:  My emotions are all over the place!! I can go from about to cry I'm so happy to raging bitch in about 2 minutes. Kyle's officially terrified to say anything to me because he isn't sure which person he's going to get!  I just keep apologizing over and over and reminding him I have zero control over these damn hormones. ;) 

Looking forward to: Meeting this little guy!! My c-section is scheduled for next week unless this guy decides to make an appearance earlier.  I still have some things I need to get done before his arrival but I'm hoping to have those all checked off my list by Friday!



  1. So excited for you!! And I remember learning about people who are anemic wanting to chew on ice… crazy!! I hope everything goes smoothly this week for you :)

  2. I can't believe you are so close!! That is great that you know the date of when you will be having him. I think that's the hardest part for me is not knowing when he will come! I have all your same symptoms right now lol! One more week!!

  3. Hooray!! You look cute! I like that shirt!!

  4. You are all belly.. SO cute! I hope sleep gets better for you the last few days before he makes his debut! My hubs is already getting a taste of that moodiness... poor guys. haha

  5. YAY! You look amazing!!!! I am the exact same way. Bought some reese's pieces this morning just because I know once I bring her home its mission lose weight. I'm not sleeping that well either...ugh. Maybe we will go the same day!

  6. You're almost there!!! You look amazing mama!!!

  7. Ahhhh!!! 39 wks!!! You look great! Any day now... :)

  8. I can't believe it's almost time! I'm so excited for you and to see pics of the little one.

  9. im sooo excited for you! you're almost there!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. Eeek it's go time! Yay!!

  11. You look so amazing!! One more week!!! I am so excited for you to have two babies!!!

  12. You look great!! I can't believe he's going to be here next week!! Good luck getting the last few things finished this week! Oh and you might want to have the baby give Miller a present - that really helped Abby (she also gave one to Ginny).

  13. Seriously, you look so skinny biatch!! You made this pregnancy look like a breeze!! I don't know what it was, but it just seemed to fly by! I couldn't be more excited for you guys :)

  14. My first boy is a Nov 6 baby. I gained a little more with my 2nd boy too, and I'll be honest, I was older and it I definitely had to really work for it, vs. just losing all the weight within a few weeks without real effort the first time. Now I'm 6 mos postpartum with my 3rd, which is a girl, and I gained so much more...so I still have about 15 to go to pre-baby weight. It's a process, that's for sure! But keep your head up...you're way ahead of me right now with the weight gain, so you'll be fine! If I can lose almost 60 {#3}, you can lose 35!!! :-)
    California To Carolina
    The Gym Bunny


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