
January 2014 Detox

In December 2011 myself and some of my friends decided that instead of doing New Years resolutions for the year we would do a January detox after the holidays. 

For January we would detox from everything we had been overindulging in from the holiday season and the rules were as follows:

For the month of January:

-No alcohol
-No sweets
-No shopping for non-essentials

It was much easier than we expected it to be and we all felt great at the end of the month.  
I didn't participate last year since I was pregnant and I had already given up alcohol and at that point in my pregnancy I wasn't really eating sweets and was barely shopping like I used to.

I've decided to give the January detox a shot again but I've decided to make a modification:

-No sweets
-No fried food
-No shopping for non-essentials

I've decided to skip the no alcohol this year since I gave it up for most of 2013 and I don't drink like I used to anyway and focus on my eating and shopping.

The sweets are going to be hard for me because my sweet tooth has been out of control since pregnancy.  I don't eat a ton of fried food but I will admit we have been overindulging in Chick fila more than normal so I think it's time to cut it out completely and take it off the table as a dinner option.

Ahhh shopping. That is going to be a real tough one for me but I've been spending way too much money on myself lately and we have a ton of upcoming big purchases we need to make for the house anyway so I think I can give it up for the month. 

The good news is my birthday is in early February so it gives me incentive to be good this month and then treat myself on my birthday!

Here's to hoping I can stick to it for one month!  Wish me luck!



  1. I like this detox. A shopping detox is almost always necessary after the holidays thanks to all of the amazing sales.

  2. At first I thought it said "no sweats." I was like that does not sound comfy and if she's talking a bout sweating that seems to go against the detox idea! Ha. Good luck. Glad you didn't give up wine :)

  3. That is a great way to "detox"! I'm not a big seets person, but I do love my fried food and shopping for non essentials! Those would be tough for me! Happy New Year! xoxo, Lindsay

  4. I don't think it'd even be possible for me to go an entire month without sweets. I'm eating a brownie right now. :)

  5. I like this! Challenging but manageable. Good luck with the sweets!

  6. I could give up sweets but fried foods would be tough. I am trying to limit myself (no french fries with meals!)


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