
New Blog Look, Baby Updates, and Grown Up Christmas Lists

First of all Thank You for all your sweet comments and congratulations on yesterday's post.  You all are the best!! Seriously.  

Now if you're reading this in Google Reader and didn't see yesterday you need to check out my new blog look!  I had Shannon from Shannon Page Design do it for me and she did an amazing job!  I just gave her some ideas and colors I liked and she quickly pulled it all together perfectly.  Not only is she really good but she has totally affordable prices so go check her out now.   She is also a newly wed and blogs about her  newlywed life over at Page Twenty-Two she had a gorgeous wedding also that you need to check out

East Coast Chic

For those wondering I am 13 weeks pregnant and due around June 23rd.  Weeks 6-12 were rough,  I was not prepared for the 24/7 nausea and extreme exhaustion but I think I have finally turned a corner.  The past 4 days I have felt glorious and fingers crossed it stays that way.   I was getting concerned there around 9 weeks that I would never feel like a human again, that coupled with the hormones made me have some lovely crying breakdowns that I'm pretty sure terrified my husband.  I think he is just as happy as me to be past those days!

If you have a minute please check out my sister's post on her Grown Up Christmas List.  She is a teacher and this has been a very hard week for her, as I can imagine the same for parents and teachers everywhere.   People think teachers have it so easy with summers off and spring break but teachers do so much more than just teach the lesson plan.

I can't believe Christmas is in 5 days!!!  Are you all ready?  I am finishing shopping today and then will hopefully have it all wrapped and ready tomorrow!



  1. LOVE this new look & congratulations on the bebe!!!

  2. Glad your feeling better. I was nauseous for 4 months with B...not fun!

  3. My brother's birthday is June 23rd! It's a good day...Glad you are feeling better.

  4. Thanks for the shout out, girl!! Love how your design turned out - you picked a great color scheme!:)

  5. Looking forward to some baby update posts :) I don't have any kids but I love reading about moms to be haha


Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your comments make my day. If you have a question feel free to email me at eastcoastnat@gmail.com

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